Garden Dibble

Garden Dibble

We specialize in kitchen items, but we also offer other products including our Garden Dibbles. The design is centuries old from when people had no choice but to have gardens sown and tended by hand yet modernized for the 21st Century. Our dibbles are lathe turned of maple, and about 8’ long and about 1 ½” at the top end.. They feature groves turned at 2” from the point then each inch to give a quick planting guide. These dibbles are sturdy so if the soil is firmly packed a mallet can be used to drive them into the soil. Wince they are finished with wax the dibble digs more easily into the ground, and cleans off quite easily. A bit of bone meal might be added to the bottom of the soil, then the bulb and the hole filled with soil. In season we are delighted to find our bulbs are now emerging! Sunny daffodils, cherry crocuses, and great garlic are easily planted with the dibble. A great gift for home gardeners, perhaps combined with gardening gloves and a few bulbs they make the perfect gift.